
Thursday, 26 September 2019

Social Justice

For this task we had to role play 2 circumstances one of equality, and one of social justice. Once we'd finished filming and editing we were to post it onto our blog. This is mine, I collaborated with some classmates to complete this task.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Cultural Night Art

Our school is having an Cultural Evening/Night. For this event, every class is to perform something for Our class, Te Kahu, is performing an act and we are creating art, Dot Art. Dot Art is pretty self explanatory,it's art made of dots. We began this on Monday and we are progressively continuing the process of finishing the art, as it takes a very long time. A massive factor for Dot Art is taking your time, if you don't take your time and you rush then it will come out looking messy and just not good. 🐶

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Share A Drawing

In the Week 7/8 Literacy Contract, one of the tasks that we had to complete was called "Share A Drawing"
The objective of this task was to choose a word that described how we were feeling and once we had chosen the word, we then had to find the definition for it. After we'd chosen our word and found the definition for the word we had to find an image that befits the word.
(My word was calm, the definition is an adjective and the image was a calm lake.)