For this task, the objective was to explain how we believe in ourselves. This is my explanation, in my piece of writing i''ve explained how I believe in myself and why it is important to believe in yourself.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Rugby World Cup - Writing
Rugby World Cup Writing
For this task we had to create a writing piece that explained if we thought mixed teams should be allowed to play in the Rugby World Cup and why. (Mixed teams are teams that require both genders.) I said they shouldn't be allowed to play in the Rugby World Cup. My reasons why I think this are listed
For this task we had to create a writing piece that explained if we thought mixed teams should be allowed to play in the Rugby World Cup and why. (Mixed teams are teams that require both genders.) I said they shouldn't be allowed to play in the Rugby World Cup. My reasons why I think this are listed
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Rugby World Cup 2019: Google Tour
Rugby World Cup 2019
Google Tour
For this task our objective was to build a tour using Tour Builder, to either map out all the countries who participated in the Rugby World Cup 2019 or we could map out all the host cities of the Rugby World Cup 2019. I went for option 2, the host cities. In this google tour I have added an introduction (show in the image above), all the host cities and what they're known for. All this information I got from the official Rugby World Cup 2019 Website.
If you click the smiley face, it will take you to a link: π
Google Tour
For this task our objective was to build a tour using Tour Builder, to either map out all the countries who participated in the Rugby World Cup 2019 or we could map out all the host cities of the Rugby World Cup 2019. I went for option 2, the host cities. In this google tour I have added an introduction (show in the image above), all the host cities and what they're known for. All this information I got from the official Rugby World Cup 2019 Website.
If you click the smiley face, it will take you to a link: π
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon In Minecraft

In Minecraft
The objective of this task is to research
extraordinary world landmarks, once we'd
researched some and found a landmark that
we think is interesting, we were to create a
model of it in Minecraft.
I made this with a classmate! :)

Wednesday, 16 October 2019
My Holiday!
For this task we had to state and explain something awesome, scary and relaxing that happened in our holidays.
This is mineπ
For this task we had to state and explain something awesome, scary and relaxing that happened in our holidays.
This is mineπ
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Social Justice
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Cultural Night Art
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Share A Drawing
In the Week 7/8 Literacy Contract, one of the tasks that we had to complete was called "Share A Drawing"
The objective of this task was to choose a word that described how we were feeling and once we had chosen the word, we then had to find the definition for it. After we'd chosen our word and found the definition for the word we had to find an image that befits the word.
(My word was calm, the definition is an adjective and the image was a calm lake.)
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Wacky Writing
Wacky Writing
This is a task on the week 5/6 Literacy Contract.
For this task we had set groups and a specific topic. We had to collaboratively work on a creative writing piece, splitting the work load evenly.
My groups topic was "A magic giraffe who travels in a time machine."
“Why, why would you do this?” Garroth said sadly “because you took everything away from me my home, my town and my family but now I'm going to take everything away from you.” said Ein. “ Wait let’s rewind this to where it all began”.
“Hey! What are you looking at?” Garroth said to Jeff, (the mirror, a.k.a Garroth’s reflection.) “No! Garroth is at the mirror again” Lisa (Garroth’s mum) shouts. But at the end of the street is an elephant, an evil elephant named… Ein. One day Garroth went down the Road and saw an old house so seeing how dumb he is he enters it. He sees a mysterious man so he hides in a box, it was Ein, he was walking in circles he heard him saying something but he could not make out what he was saying. SNAP! Ein looked at the box luckily there was an escape place at the bottom of the box so he went into it and escaped.
(Ein’s origin story)
Ein build’s inventions and machines that changed everything! They were mainly used as their purpose, but Ein made his inventions to help out his parents. But others abused the machines and gadgets he made and used them selfishly rather than using them to help others.
But Ein grew jealous of how his parents were so obsessed with their new neighbor, Garroth the Giraffe. He is so funny, kind, adorable, sweet and amusing his parents would always say, and we love all his magic tricks he performs for us! One day Ein grew sick of it, for he wasn’t being acknowledged of all the hard work that he was doing to impress his parents. So he bursted at his parents about this, Ein’s parents were not happy with his behaviour so they threw away all of his tools and his materials in the basement.
Garroth grew curious so, days after he decided to reinvestigate the house. There he found blueprints of futuristic machines similar to robots and notes describing what these machines would do. Hours exploring he entered the basement where he found a strange, mystical looking machine. Garroth wanted to get a better look at the strange machine but in doing so he tripped on his own shoelace and fell forward into the machine. Garroth began flying through a wormhole passing by different eras, he began realising that he was inside a time machine. He suddenly got thrown out of the time machine, Garroth was panicking furiously he was very worried and confused. He then heard a humongous ROAR! And a vague shadow in the distance was emerging. Garroth soon realised he was in the year of the dinosaurs! Garroth saw a cove in the distance and sprinted as fast as could towards it. He hid there and began thinking about how he could possibly get back to the present.
Meanwhile, Ein was in the future creating futuristic robots that worshiped him, Ein spent hours on end, day after day working on these robots and eventually, he became successful. “My plan is complete, with these I will be unstoppable!” Ein said evilly. He returned to the present along with all of his dangerous creations, he entered the time machine but in doing so Garroth was brought into the time machine alongside himself and his creations. Garroth saw all of these creations and remembered all of Ein’s blueprints and notes, “Why, why would you do this?” Garroth said sadly. “Because you took everything away from me! My home, my town and my family, but now I’m going to take everything away from you.” Garroth remembered glimpsing at a bottle that contained a purple concoction labeled “If plan fails.”
Suddenly they were thrown out of the time machine, but when Garroth got up Ein and his creations were out of sight. Garroth knew he had to get his hands on that bottle so he rushed to the house, Garroth had a feeling on where they were but he had to take his chances. He saw the bottle but he also saw Ein and his robotic creations, Ein was writing in a book and it looked as if the robots were inoperative. Garroth thought if he created a distraction good enough, he could quickly get the bottle and leave. There was a shelf on the opposite side of the room holding frames, bottles and other accessories, next to him was a book. Garroth threw the book at the shelf and the items were knocked off. Ein stood to investigate. “This is my chance.” Garroth said to himself he got up and quickly yet quietly made his way toward the bottle, he grabbed the bottle and quietly left but the last floorboard creaked, Ein swiftly turned around, luckily Garroth had made his escape just in time.
The next day Garroth was walking down the road then suddenly Zap!!! There was a big blast of light shooting into the sky and then poof turning half of the town back into its original town. Garroth saw the light coming from Ein ́s house so he went there… HAHAHA! Laughter coming from the house so Garroth slowly went to the door with his heart pounding he didn't know what to expect. BOOM!!! Garroth kicked down the door and he saw Ein and his beacon “Why, why would you do this?” Garroth said sadly “because you took everything away from me my home, my
town and my family but now I'm going to take everything away from you.” said Ein “you don’t haft to do this” Garroth
“But I do you took everything away from me” said Ein “I know and i'm sorry” said Garroth “That's all I needed to hear” said Ein with a happy tone. So Garroth went into the time travelling cardboard box everything was going according to plan when all of a sudden BOOM! The time machine explodes in the middle of space and time will tell whether Garroth ever returns to his timeline. To this day Garroth still floats amongst space without a clue where his bacon is or where he is heading.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Newspaper Article
For this task we were to join in groups of 3 and come up with our own interesting and fascinating article including specific words (words in yellow.)
Once your group had completed the article along with the rest of the groups, we then present it in front of the class.
This activity allows us to be the creator of a news article, and present it as a news reporter would.
My group choose to relate our article to A massive typhoon hitting Asia, and the Bank of the Philippines donating a generous amount of money.
For this task we were to join in groups of 3 and come up with our own interesting and fascinating article including specific words (words in yellow.)
Once your group had completed the article along with the rest of the groups, we then present it in front of the class.
This activity allows us to be the creator of a news article, and present it as a news reporter would.
My group choose to relate our article to A massive typhoon hitting Asia, and the Bank of the Philippines donating a generous amount of money.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
What Would Earth Be Like Without the Sun?
For our week 10 contract for Literacy one of the tasks was to visit the website 'Wonderopolis' and select an interesting article regarding the sky - the universe or astronomy. While reading our chosen article we were to take notes and then summarise what we had found out into a paragraph, we then had to enter said paragraph onto a website called 'padlet' which is a website where our class uploads our chosen paragraph for Mrs Dromgool and other classmates to read, only our class and Mrs Dromgool can access the padlet. The article I chose to summarise was 'What would the Earth Be Like Without the Sun?'
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Should More be Done to Protect And Preserve Endangered Animals.
For our week 6/7 contract one of the tasks was to complete a persuasive writing piece with a choice of 66 topics, once published and marked we were to then print it so it could be displayed on our wall. The topic I chose for my persuasive writing piece was Should More be Done to Protect And Preserve Endangered Animals.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Maths Art
Impossible Objects
This weeks art task on the maths contract was to make 'impossible objects' task helped us use precise measurements using compasses and rulers, and it helped us identify the very small details.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Maths Art: Celtic Knot work
Thursday, 16 May 2019
PMI Chart
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
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